It will help make your aim more accurate overall. This steam launch option prevents windows from interfering with Counter-Strike and using desktop mouse acceleration settings. If you plan on becoming a bro then you need to use this option. This option can help improve your aim and make it more accurate. This steam launch option disables mouse acceleration in Counter-Strike Source. You can use this option to force the game to use the multiple cores your newer GPU has. Newer games are used to handling multiple cores but older games are not. USEALLAVAILABLECORESĪs the name suggests it forces the game to use all the cores for gaming. This can really help low-end systems run the game better and much faster as well as boost FPS and fix the lag. Your computer will give now allocate more resources (RAM, CPU, etc) to CS instead of any other processes. As the name suggests It will make set the counter strike source process on high priority in windows. It is one of the common steam launch options that work for a number of games especially those made by valve. This option will only give you a minor FPS Boost in Counter-Strike Source but every FPS boost counts. This steam launch option will remove the joystick support from the game and thus may help free up RAM. This is really helpful when reconnecting after accidentally losing your connection in competitive matches.It really helps with a faster startup and thus can help gamers who are short on time. It will remove the short starting video of Valve in Counter-Strike Source. just make sure that the server system which is hosting the game is good. This is really useful for those LAN Games. It simply means when you are playing with your friends you will have faster gaming experience with lower pings. tickrate 128 -novid -nojoy -high -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms What these Steam Launch settings do in CS: Source -tickrate 128Īs the name suggests it sets the tick rate of the servers you host when playing “Bots or on LAN” games or any self-hosted servers that you host via your client to 128 (as opposed to the default 64). Select Properties and then in the General tab Click on the “ Set Launch Options”.How to set steam launch options for CS: Source Counter-Strike Source Steam Launch Options So to help those gamers find the right steam launch options for Counter-Strike Source here is a dedicated guide by noobs2pro for steam launch options in Counterstrike Source. Now even though the majority of players have shifted to Counter-Strike Global Offensive many players still play Counter-Strike Source. Counter-Strike Source is one of the most played games ever made by the valve.