
Mass effect 2 negotiation bonus
Mass effect 2 negotiation bonus

Last night I concluded the game's Feros arc, and found myself in a situation where I couldn't perform a particular Paragon check even though I'd stuck pretty close to being perfectly nice throughout my thorough playthrough. "Just choose the dialogue options 'Matriarch Benezia', 'Another Question', 'Testify Against Anoleis', and then the morality option of your choice," Kotaku writes. And you can do so over and over, awarding yourself an infinite supply. Now you can convince him to testify in court, awarding you either Paragon or Renegade points. Talk to Gianna Parasini, who's nearby, then head back to Qui'in.

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There, a turian named Lorik Qui'in will ask you to collect some evidence from his old office.

Mass effect 2 negotiation bonus